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Content security algorithm application optimization intelligence media

Digital Media Content, Security,
and Monetization Solutions


Media Services Group, Inc. (MSG) is a global provider of digital content protection, optimization, and distribution software and services to the media, internet, and entertainment industries. 


The company was launched to support the digital security, optimization, and licensing needs of marketing, sales, and legal executives in order to protect, grow, and achieve maximum value from their media, IT, and corporate intellectual property.


â—‰  Web Protection

â—‰  Torrent Protection

â—‰  Search Engine Protection

â—‰  â€‹Streaming Protection

â—‰  â€‹Mobile App Protection

â—‰  NFT Protection

â—‰  Web Intelligence

â—‰  â€‹Torrent Intelligence

â—‰  â€‹Search Engine Optimization

â—‰  â€‹Content Licensing


â—‰  Web Crawling Algorithms

â—‰  Video / Image Fingerprinting

â—‰  Search Engine Scraping

â—‰  â€‹Web3 Applications

â—‰  â€‹Torrent Disruption

â—‰  Torrent  Monitoring

â—‰  Mobile App Analysis

â—‰  â€‹White-Labeled Platforms

â—‰  â€‹Bandwidth Optimization

â—‰  â€‹Forensic Watermarking

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